This is the Dirty Truth about Network Marketing Residual Income

In this post you will find the honest truth about network marketing that you must know and understand if you ever want to succeed in building a business with it to create a passive residual income!

So, let’s get to it…

From a quick first glance network marketing companies can often times appear to be thriving communities of customers all extremely happy with the products that they are consuming and typically they really are, but what drives that community of thriving consumers almost never has anything to do with the actual product(s). Let’s dig a little further into that statement.

First, let me ask you a simple question…

Why did you decided to join a network marketing business?

Just sit back real quick and say that answer to yourself in your head right now.

I can almost guarantee your answer is something along these lines, “Well, I started this business because I wanted to earn some extra money now and eventually become financially free.”

Am I right?

Well let me ask you another question now…

When you are talking to potential prospects about your business what do you talk to them about?

Most likely you try to stick fairly close to the corporate scripts and that inevitably ends up with the person asking questions about your network marketing company’s products or services.

So by the end of the conversation you have lost all control of the direction of it and both you and your prospect end up confused. You lose each other somewhere between details about the products and the details about the compensation plan.

You get off the phone or walk away from the conversation hoping that by some miracle they will decide to join your business.

That’s a situation that is repeated hundreds (or thousands) of times every day by network marketer’s around the world.

This is why:

Building a successful network marketing business and creating massive residual income has NOTHING to do with selling your prospect on your product at ALL!

On the contrary, the only thing that you should EVER talk to your prospect about is the same thing that got you sold on the business in the first place… More money and a financially free future!

Yes, great products are important for retention and any worthy network marketing company will have them. However, this business model is mainly built on financial hopes and dreams. Honestly, if you’re looking for business builders to recruit into your organization then your prospects hopes and dreams of financial freedom and passive residual income are the only things that you should speak to them about, so they can sell themselves on it.

A great way to visually illustrate this principle is to think about it this way… If you had a certain amount of your company’s product in one hand and an equal amount of money in the other hand, which do you think your prospect would choose?

The top income earners and referrers know the answer to that question and that’s how they make all their money!

Here’s another shift in perspective that you’re going to need to make if you want to have incredible success with your home business, and it’s simply a logical continuation on the point just discussed above…

What you think of as your company’s product is actually NOT its real product at all.

Do you think your network marketing company’s product is its miracle juice, phone service, vacation deals, or whatever?

If you do you are very wrong!

Continuing on from my last point, remember your network marketing home business will not grow significantly if you just push the product — it will only take off if you sell people on their financial dreams. And you aren’t going to earn truly residual income off product sales. That’s only going to happen when you are getting paid on the efforts of your downline.

So if you think about it, your company’s real product is its sales training and marketing system. The better your company’s marketing system is able to help you build an army below you, the better and more quickly you will be able to reap the financial benefits of your business.

To extend this point further, eventually you’ll want your downline to do all the work so you don’t have to. That is most often called leveraged income or passive income. The simpler and more effective the marketing system plus the stronger the training your company provides, the easier your system will be to duplicate.

If you want to think about it in its simplest form, your company’s real product is how well it duplicates. If you find a system that is easy to duplicate and you can have your prospect “sell themselves” on their financial dreams, you will have a highly successful network marketing business. And that will turn into a very bright looking financial future!

Your Job is Simple…

Find people that want to attain financial freedom through passive residual income then help them do that through a streamlined marketing system. Shorten their learning curve so that they can go out and duplicate your success.

In fact, forget everything you have ever learned from the “gurus” about building a solid income via network marketing. Instead let the true master teach you at Maximum Leverage.

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